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Night and Daylight

This whole thing with Corvid-19 is so wild. My last day of work was a normal regular work day except that it was my very last day after working at the same company for just shy of 27 years. The next day my husband and I went on a 4 day vacation to visit relatives for a family reunion. By the time we came home the world had tipped off its axis and by the time we woke up in our own bed it had flipped completely upside down. The world not our bed! What a way to start retirement!

I’m voluntarily quarantining myself.  I feel great and only have a few more days to go but man am I glad I have been building my art, coaching and health and wellness businesses on line! Wishing all of you health and well-being during this strange time.

Posted in 365, Drawing, Paintings, The Art Motel, Thoughts, Uncategorized


This is my favorite day of the year. My own personal New Years. The day I look forward and back at what’s to come and what has happened over the past year. The BIG thing this year…I have awakened to my calling. LIFE COACH. Hello  and yes it is me Loretta Louviere …Life Coach. THIS is an exciting adventure. Will post my Shingle when painted and ready.

But for now…Birds are tweeting and I am HOME!

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