Posted in 365, Dolls, Drawing, Paintings, Photos, Shows, The Art Motel, Thoughts, Uncategorized

Where Should We Land?

I am trying to publish an update of The Art Motel Journey in the page called…The Art Motel Journey. And so in my post I am asking for ideas from friends, fans, etc. Question…What landscape you do feel best suits The Art Motel of The Finger Lakes? Wooded, Lakeside, Lake View, Other? Please give a brief explanation of why you chose this landscape. Thank you all so much!!!

Posted in 365, Drawing, Paintings, The Art Motel, Thoughts, Uncategorized


This is my favorite day of the year. My own personal New Years. The day I look forward and back at what’s to come and what has happened over the past year. The BIG thing this year…I have awakened to my calling. LIFE COACH. Hello  and yes it is me Loretta Louviere …Life Coach. THIS is an exciting adventure. Will post my Shingle when painted and ready.

But for now…Birds are tweeting and I am HOME!

Neighbors Detail2